[postgis-devel] Lame attempt at cascade union in sql
Obe, Regina
robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Thu Aug 7 04:59:26 PDT 2008
I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with my attempts at simulating
cascaded unions with sql only functions. Not sure where I went wrong or
perhaps its because my test data set is so unrealistic. It seems in
general better but only marginally. Perhaps someone else can see where
I went wrong.
Anyrate below is my attempt at simulating a cascaded union aggregate
with nothing but sql functions:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_unitecascade_garray(geometry[])
RETURNS geometry AS
SELECT CASE WHEN array_upper($1,1) < 51 THEN st_unite_garray($1)
ST_unitecascade_garray(st_unite_garray(($1)[1:50]) ||
($1)[51:array_upper($1,1)] ) END;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_unitecascade_garray_sort(geometry[])
RETURNS geometry AS
SELECT CASE WHEN array_upper($1,1) < 50 THEN
st_unite_garray($1) ELSE
st_unitecascade_garray(ARRAY(SELECT ($1)[s] FROM
generate_series(1, array_upper($1, 1)) AS s
ORDER BY ST_Centroid(($1)[s]) ) ) END;
DROP AGGREGATE st_cascadeunion(geometry);
CREATE AGGREGATE st_cascadeunion(geometry) (
--DROP TABLE test_bubbles;
CREATE TABLE test_bubbles(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, thegroup int, the_geom
TRUNCATE TABLE test_bubbles;
CREATE INDEX idx_test_bubbles_the_geom
ON test_bubbles
USING gist
INSERT INTO test_bubbles(the_geom,thegroup)
SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(x,y),r), r*random()::int
FROM generate_series(-100,400,50) x, generate_series(-100, 1000,50) y,
generate_series(5,305,50) r;
VACUUM analyze test_bubbles;
--time ~8313 ms
SELECT ST_Union(the_geom)
from test_bubbles;
--time ~8234 ms
SELECT ST_CascadeUnion(the_geom)
from test_bubbles;
--time ~6015 ms
SELECT ST_Union(the_geom), thegroup, count(the_geom) as num_geoms
from test_bubbles
GROUP BY thegroup;
--time ~6000 ms
SELECT ST_CascadeUnion(the_geom),thegroup, count(the_geom) as num_geoms
from test_bubbles
GROUP BY thegroup;
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