[postgis-devel] Valid SRIDs

Tom Lane tgl at sss.pgh.pa.us
Thu Jun 26 07:45:09 PDT 2008

Stephen Frost <sfrost at snowman.net> writes:
> Things, in my view anyway, get a fair bit more complicated when you
> consider the changes we've been talking about to use PG's user-defined
> typmods.  It feels like it'd be 'awkward' to enforce that check in the
> typmod and would also mean, I believe, more difficulty when dealing with
> dump/restores unless things are done in the right order.

Whichever way it's done, you need to worry about whether pg_dump will
understand it and dump the tables in the right order.  It would be very
easy to have a situation where spatial_ref_sys doesn't get populated
until after user tables containing geometry values.  I think only a
foreign key constraint would currently be guaranteed to work properly.

			regards, tom lane

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