[postgis-devel] shp2pgsql using problem
Obe, Regina
robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Mon Jun 30 05:18:09 PDT 2008
shp2pgsql dumps out in binary format to compensate for floating point
issues with dumping out in WKT text.
If you just want to see what the geometries look like as text from
PostgreSQL - you can do
SELECT ST_AsText(the_geom) from pt_gsqy_point limit 1;
If you want to dump out your sql as WKT text instead of the default
binary for some reason then you can use the -w switch
shp2pgsql -w pt_gsqy_point.shp pt_gsqy_point > pt_gsqy_point.sql
Hope that helps,
From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
zhengyong zhang
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 4:05 AM
To: postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-devel] shp2pgsql using problem
when I'm trying to use shp2pgsql to convert a shp file into postgresql.
as I do it using the following commands:
1, shp2pgsql pt_gsqy_point.shp pt_gsqy_point > pt_gsqy_point.sql
2, psql -d postgis -f pt_gsqy_point.sql >log.txt
after I run the first command, and I got sql script file:
the content is :
CREATE TABLE "pt_gsqy_point" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
"name" varchar(40));
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','pt_gsqy_point','the_geom','-1','POINT',2);
INSERT INTO "pt_gsqy_point" ("name",the_geom) VALUES ('the first
location name','010100000085EC6F9141E2C5C0E829EE9F0AC98240');
INSERT INTO "pt_gsqy_point" ("name",the_geom) VALUES ('the second
location name','0101000000CCFE346E05B4C5C0A9A946F9A30D8640');
and after I run the second command, in the pgadmin, I got to see the
values in it. but the geometry values can not be used directly, as the
values are those : '010100000085EC6F9141E2C5C0E829EE9F0AC98240',
anyone in the mailist have used the shp2pgsql.exe???
how to deal with it, so that I can use those point coordinates to do
some operations, such as select a point using the point coordinate to
get the name of it.
Zhengyong Zhang
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