[postgis-devel] Win32 error message: libiconv-2.dll was not found

Mike Toews mwtoews at sfu.ca
Wed Mar 5 09:58:41 PST 2008


I've just installed a fresh version PosgreSQL 8.3 on a Windows XP Pro 
system. I installed PostGIS (version 1.3.2 ?) through the Application 
Stack Builder, as recommended. However, when I tried to use the 
shp2pgsql command, I received an OK-Only error message titled 
"shp2pgsql.exe - Unable To Locate Component" and message: "This 
application has failed to start because libiconv-2.dll was not found. 
Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

This isn't a show stopper for me, since libiconv2.dll (sans "-") exists 
in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin (I'm not sure which distro 
installed this). I copied this DLL and renamed it to libiconv-2.dll, and 
the command now appears to work. I think this could be a simple matter 
of file naming, but I'm not 100% sure.

Also, as a side note to the web developers at Refractions Research, you 
may need to update some slightly contradicting information:

    * http://postgis.refractions.net/download/ says "do *not* install
      the PostGIS included in the PostgreSQL installer"
    * http://postgis.refractions.net/download/windows/ indicates "For
      PostgreSQL 8.3 Users: PostGIS is now included as part of the new
      PostgreSQL StackBuilder architecture"

Also, to the web developers at Refractions Research, thanks for a really 
good and informative website on PostGIS and its applications!

Best regards,
-Mike Toews

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