[postgis-devel] astyle

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue Oct 7 14:39:13 PDT 2008

If you've edited PostGIS source, you've quickly become frustrated with
the ghastly mix of tabs and spaces used to format code. I would like
to propose that we begin re-formatting the source incrementally, by
making the use of

astyle --style=ansi --indent=tab=8

on any .c/.h files we are about to modify.

- I'm about to modify foo.c!
- astyle --style=ansi --indent=tab=8 foo.c
- svn commit -m "Reformat!" foo.c
- remember to set my editor to use tabs, not spaces, for block indents
- Ok, make my changes now.

Sound OK?


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