[postgis-devel] Prepared Geometry API
Obe, Regina
robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Wed Oct 8 05:28:34 PDT 2008
Would seem so. Though I'd be more convinced if I saw a true
non-constant subquery.
Anyrate from your other threads, I take it you have put this out to
pasture and have decided on a memcpy based solution?
-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:45 PM
To: PostGIS Development Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Prepared Geometry API
I see the datum numbers are also consistently tracking changes when I
add those in:
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(1, "arg 1 pointer(%x) datum(%d) arg 2 pointer(%x)
Does this mean that using the datum numbers is a possible sol'n?
postgis2=# SELECT a.val as a,
b.val as b, _st_containsprepared(a.val, b.val,0)postgis2-#
FROMpostgis2-# (SELECT 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as val UNION SELECT
'POINT(1 1)'::geometry as val) a,
postgis2-# (SELECT 'POINT(3 4)'::geometry as val UNION SELECT
'POINT(1 1)'::geometry as val) b;
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3931] arg 1 pointer(731d7c)
datum(7544188) arg 2 pointer(732e9c) datum(7548572)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3934] arg 1 ewkt: POINT(0 0)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3936] arg 2 ewkt: POINT(1 1)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3931] arg 1 pointer(731d7c)
datum(7544188) arg 2 pointer(732e54) datum(7548500)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3934] arg 1 ewkt: POINT(0 0)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3936] arg 2 ewkt: POINT(3 4)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3931] arg 1 pointer(73302c)
datum(7548972) arg 2 pointer(8586f4) datum(8750836)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3934] arg 1 ewkt: POINT(1 1)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3936] arg 2 ewkt: POINT(1 1)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3931] arg 1 pointer(73302c)
datum(7548972) arg 2 pointer(732f4c) datum(7548748)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3934] arg 1 ewkt: POINT(1 1)
NOTICE: [lwgeom_geos_c.c:containsPrepared:3936] arg 2 ewkt: POINT(3 4)
a | b
| _st_containsprepared
010100000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F | f
010100000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
010100000000000000000008400000000000001040 | f
0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F |
0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F | t
0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F |
010100000000000000000008400000000000001040 | f
(4 rows)
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Mark Cave-Ayland
<mark.cave-ayland at siriusit.co.uk> wrote:
> Obe, Regina wrote:
>> Paul,
>> Something is bugging me about your choice of example. Not that it is
>> important, but your a and b tables are the same constant so I would
expect a
>> planner to realize that and make a and b point to the same thing.
I'm not
>> sure how that muddies your analysis. Also your constant gets cast as
>> geometry only when it gets into ST_Contains and you are doing a UNION
>> instead of a UNION ALL.
>> What does the revised query give you
>> SELECT a.val as a, b.val as b, st_contains(a.val, b.val,0)
>> (SELECT 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as val UNION ALL SELECT 'POINT(1
>> 1)'::geometry as val) a,
>> (SELECT 'POINT(3 4)'::geometry as val UNION ALL SELECT 'POINT(1
>> 1)'::geometry as val) b;
>> Thanks,
>> Regina
> The UNION ALL seems to work for me. Using the attached patch against
> trunk and EXPLAIN, it is possible to see that it is the Materialize
> which causes the Datum pointers to change. Also it's worth noting that
> st_contains() invokes the bounding box filter first which is a little
> confusing when looking at this - things were a lot clearer to me using
> following queries:
> SELECT a.val as a, b.val as b, _st_containsprepared(a.val, b.val,0)
> (SELECT 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as val UNION SELECT 'POINT(1
> as val) a,
> (SELECT 'POINT(3 4)'::geometry as val UNION SELECT 'POINT(1
> as val) b;
> SELECT a.val as a, b.val as b, _st_containsprepared(a.val, b.val,0)
> (SELECT 'POINT(0 0)'::geometry as val UNION ALL SELECT 'POINT(1
> 1)'::geometry as val) a,
> (SELECT 'POINT(3 4)'::geometry as val UNION ALL SELECT 'POINT(1
> 1)'::geometry as val) b;
> ATB,
> Mark.
> --
> Mark Cave-Ayland
> Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
> http://www.siriusit.co.uk
> T: +44 870 608 0063
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