[postgis-devel] ST_Extent3D

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Wed Oct 8 13:02:06 PDT 2008

What do we use ST_Extent3D for and should it be documented?  Seems to do
something for 3D geometries, but I'm not quite sure since I was
pictureing an Extent of a 3d to be a cube not a box in 3D space.

Is that why its not documented?

SELECT ST_Extent3d(the_geom)
FROM (SELECT ST_MakePoint(x,y,z) As the_geom
	FROM generate_series(1,3) x
		CROSS JOIN generate_series(2,4) y
		CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,2) z) as foo

Gives - BOX3D(1 2 1,3 4 2)

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