[postgis-devel] What's the difference between geom_accum andbuiltin postgresql array_append
Mark Cave-Ayland
mark.cave-ayland at siriusit.co.uk
Tue Sep 2 15:23:43 PDT 2008
Obe, Regina wrote:
> Getting back to this topic. Recall I said there was a situation where
> LWGEOM_accum worked where array_append didn't. I can't replicate it so
> I suspect it was an earlier error in my indexing efforts that caused
> this issue. I am also not seeing this LWGEOM_accum function used
> directly in any of the postgis code base.
> So here is my half-assed suggestion since no one seems to know why we
> should maintain the LWGEOM_accum function instead of just using built-in
> PostgreSQL array_append function.
> Simply get rid of LWGEOM_accum from our code base (or deprecate it) --
> change
> /**CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_geom_accum(geometry[], geometry)
> RETURNS geometry[] AS
> '$libdir/liblwgeom.dll', 'LWGEOM_accum'
> ***/
> To:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_geom_accum(geometry[], geometry)
> RETURNS geometry[] AS
> $$ SELECT array_append($1,$2); $$
> And that's it. In tests I've done doing above, I don't see a definitive
> speed difference and all aggs we have seem to have this function for
> collecting geometries.
> I would have suggested replacing our use in aggregates directly with
> array_append, but thought it would be better to keep this buffer for 3
> reasons
> 1) We don't have a CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE which makes changing aggs
> without a drop reload tricky. Changing this function will auto-magically
> correct the aggs. Granted 1.4 people should be doing a full reload anyway.
> 2) Don't know if anyone is relying on the st_geom_accum function so we
> probably should keep it around anyway.
> 3) In case we are wrong. It won't be a major undertaking to correct the
> mistake.
> Any thoughts, concerns?
> Thanks,
> Regina
Hi Regina,
At a quick glance, I'd say that the LWGEOM_accum function forcibly
de-TOASTs the input geometries when building the array so it may be that
you will only see a time difference working very large geometries
(rather than large numbers of smaller geometries). Does this make any
difference in your tests?
Mark Cave-Ayland
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
T: +44 870 608 0063
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