[postgis-devel] autobuild cleanup

Chris Hodgson chodgson at refractions.net
Fri Sep 12 14:45:41 PDT 2008

> Mark, doesn't the 1.3.4 version mean that it's coming from the branch? 
> Why does it matter if we have the SVN suffix?  I could see this need 
> if we were to use 1.3.4 for svn head instead of 1.4.0.
But is it the 1.3.4 from before or after the latest commit? And if we 
actually release 1.3.4, there is no way to tell the difference between 
an SVN version from before the release, and the 1.3.4 that is released. 
Additionally, I think it is important that the user knows they are 
downloading an SVN snapshot and not a released version.


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