[postgis-devel] WKTRaster autobuilds

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Thu Apr 2 10:42:00 PDT 2009

Hi Pierre,

Ever since the autogen changes to PostGIS (2 weeks ago?), our autobuild box has been out of commission in terms of 
building anything at all (PostGIS tarball, docs, etc. are all suspended).  At that time, we tried to update libtoolize 
among other things to get the build working again, but to no avail ... now nothing builds.

I started setting up an autobuild for WKTRaster but have been unable to get the code to compile at all ... probably due 
to the now messed up build environment.  I've been insanely busy here with other projects I hadn't had a chance to look 
into this further (they say later this month things should slow down a bit for us ... so I may have time to look into 
this soon.)

In the mean time, I'm looking forward to what Mateusz sets up using OsGeo's buildbot farm.  Perhaps WKTRaster can hook 
into that as well.


Pierre Racine wrote:
> Kevin,
> Will we get at least the tarball?
> Pierre
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-devel-
>> bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Kevin Neufeld
>> Sent: 9 mars 2009 18:07
>> To: PostGIS Development Discussion
>> Subject: [postgis-devel] WKTRaster autobuilds
>> Hi all,
>> It's been suggested that I add the WKTRaster project as another job to
> the autobuild system we
>> currently employ for PostGIS.
>> For those that don't know, PostGIS currently uses Hudson
> (http://postgis.refractions.net:8082/) to
>> automatically perform
>> nightly builds (JDBC and other change logs) and immediate builds
> (hooked into SVN of the 1.3 and trunk
>> branches that
>> builds 5 minutes after every commit).  It also builds all the PostGIS
> documentation for the main
>> website.
>> Is this something the WKTRaster project would like as well?  Would this
> be helpful and is the code
>> stable enough?
>> (Hudson would spam the last person who broke the build ... which could
> be rather annoying when the
>> code is still very
>> new and under heavy development.)
>> What about adding a tarball of the project to the PostGIS downloads
> section on the main website?
>> Just some thoughts ...
>> -- Kevin
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