[postgis-devel] WKTRaster autobuilds

strk strk at keybit.net
Wed Apr 29 23:59:17 PDT 2009

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:40:53PM +0100, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> > The question I have is, the "make check" target spits out a lot of
> > WARNINGS and several ERRORs - is this to be expected with the current
> > svn snapshot, or is my configuration amiss?
> > http://office.refractions.net:1500/view/WKTRaster/job/WKTRaster-trunk-check/ws/check.log/*view*/
> I think it's intentional or I don't understand it.
> Sandro should know.

It's intentional, checks exceptional conditions.


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