[postgis-devel] Small boo boo

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Fri Aug 21 11:51:20 PDT 2009

> Really?  I guess I'm still confused on this.  I thought the purpose of
micro releases is to fix bugs.  You're saying this isn't the case?  Do > we
have these policies/guidelines listed on the developer's wiki somewhere (I
couldn't find them)?

> -- Kevin

You are right of course.  Purpose of micro versions is to fix bugs.  I'm
just thinking out loud.  Its not a policy we have agreed on.

My point is that if we want to be able to say for a micro version -- just
drop in the new so/dll and forget about it, we can't have stuff
changing in .sql files.  So ideally would be nice if we can avoid it since
its something a lot of people forget to run anyway and rarely should need to
for a micro version.  Then again if we need to do this then my whole having
script check only minor version and micro goes out the door since our micro
scripts could be different from the first minor script.


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