[postgis-devel] Windows Build Instructions

Charlie Savage cfis at savagexi.com
Wed Feb 4 14:53:29 PST 2009

Hey Paul,

If there is anything I'm an expert at, its this.

> Well, I started with GEOS, thinking it was self-contained, no dependencies...

Actually, start with proj4 - that the easiest.  And then do postgresql. 
  Then postgis.

Last, give geos a try.  It can be troublesome sometimes, and takes 
*forever* to build.

> I got MinGW and MSYS. No problems there. From your earlier note on
> License it sounds like I should have skipped MinGW in favour of MSVC?

Either works.  If you need to debug, use MSVC.  If you just want to 
build, MingW is fine (but painful to setup).

> > I wasted some time getting appropriate autobuild tools to bootstrap
> the svn version, which eventually worked, but I also got the rc2
> tarball, in both cases, after a clean ./configure, the compilation
> died on the first .cpp file, complaining about missing
> ::vsnprintf
> Sorry, I'm away from my VM right now, so I can't get the extract error
> string. I'll provide the full details when I'm back at the ranch.

Ah, that must be something new.  This is postgis or geos?

Charlie Savage
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