[postgis-devel] GUI Time

Paul Ramsey pramsey at opengeo.org
Sun Jan 4 21:35:13 PST 2009

Hi folks,

My Christmas present to myself was trying to do a GUI for shape  
importing (and eventually exporting). It turned out the GUI wasn't too  
hard... unfortunately when it came time to bolt in the actual guts,  
the crufty legacy code got in the way... the assumption of emitting to  
stdout is pretty backed in. So getting this working is going to take a  
pretty radical re-work. I'll work off to the side of the existing  
code, and create three new bits:

shp2pgsql-core.c  - where the work gets done
shp2pgsql-gui.c  - the gui frontend
shp2pgsql-cli.c  - the commandline frontend



Paul Ramsey
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Putting the "Po" in "PostGIS"
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