[postgis-devel]Enabling Tables or HTML in the PostGIS Wiki]

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Fri Jan 16 09:07:12 PST 2009

If that works...

Sorry guys this is taking so long.  I keep bugging the high-ups to allocate some resources to address this.  I know 
we're swamped right now making several fiscal-end deliveries which probably plays part to the delay.

-- Kevin

strk wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 09:58:39AM -0500, Pierre Racine wrote:
>> Kevin,
>> Any news on this? The wiki is very limited (no images, no files, no tables). We won't be able to construct a real contributor community with those limitations.
> I suggest you register the project on http://savannah.nongnu.org.
> It takes time so the earlier the better.
> Not that it provides a wiki actually, but it has RCS and trackers,
> and web space (under cvs).
> --strk;
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