[postgis-devel] overlaps left

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Wed Jan 21 14:39:08 PST 2009

The docs said that &> returned true if the bounding boxes overlap OR is to the left of ...

That doesn't seem to be the case:
SELECT tbl1.column1, tbl2.column1,
   tbl1.column2 && tbl2.column2 AS overlaps,
   tbl1.column2 &< tbl2.column2 AS overlapsleft
	(1, 'LINESTRING( 1 2, 4 6 )'::geometry)) AS tbl1,
	(2, 'LINESTRING( 0 0, 3 3 )'::geometry)) AS tbl2;

  column1 | column1 | overlaps | overlapsleft
        1 |       2 | t        | f
(1 row)

-- Kevin

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