[postgis-devel] How do we know the number of raster bands of a WKTRaster object?

Mateusz Loskot Mateusz.Loskot at cadcorp.com
Mon Jul 13 08:40:57 PDT 2009

Jorge Arévalo wrote:
> I have a doubt: I have a raster loaded in PostgreSQL with
> gdal2wktraster, and I'm not sure of the best way to know the number of
> raster bands the raster has. The fields "pixel_types" and
> "nodata_values" from raster_columns table are arrays with one element
> per raster band, so, counting the number of elements of one of these
> arrays, I can get the number of raster bands. But it doesn't seem to
> be a very "elegant" way. Do we have another way to do this?

My replies posted to gdal-dev:


Mateusz Loskot
Senior Programmer, Cadcorp

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