[postgis-devel] Multi-D Indexing and Serialized Form
Chris Hodgson
chodgson at refractions.net
Mon Jul 13 14:26:32 PDT 2009
Doesn't the indexing code have control over what type of bbox it creates
from the geometry when it is building the index? ie. the 2-d indexing
code can create 2-d boxes and the 3-d indexing code can create 3-d
boxes, regardless of the geometry's original number of dimensions.
Paul Ramsey wrote:
> For my "geography" work, I am trying to ensure that what I do either
> uses existing liblwgeom hooks, or creates new things that liblwgeom2
> could use. I'll be doing indexing as a 3-space index, and that works
> OK for geography, things are static:
> bbox dims = 3
> coordinate dims = 2
> However, for geometry, we were thinking about adding multidimensional
> indexing. Right now we have a situation like this for geometry:
> bbox dims = 2
> coordinate dims = 2/3/4
> No problem, because we only calculate a 2d box, no matter what our
> dimensionality. But when we add the possibility of multi-dimensional
> indexes, we get in a bind. How many dimensions of bbox should we
> calculate? We need enough to support the index, but we don't know what
> the dimensionality of the index using the bbox will be. That leaves us
> forced to calculate the full multi-dimensional bbox even if we only
> want a 2-d index. We also could end up with some interesting problems,
> for example, returning results from a 4d index given a 2d query bbox.
> The straightest line solution, IMO, is to just create a bbox with
> enough dimensionality to handle the coordinates. So we'll end up with
> coordinate dims = 2 => bbox dims = 2
> coordinate dims = 3 => bbox dims = 3
> coordinate dims = 4 => bbox dims = 4
> For 2-vertex 3d points that you only want a 2d index on (the worst
> case, since we don't put boxes on points), that implies a storage
> overhead of about 10%.
> P.
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