[postgis-devel] RT_GeoReference problem

Jorge Arévalo jorge.arevalo at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 04:03:51 PDT 2009


2009/7/11 Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net>:
> Jorge ArĂŠvalo wrote:
>> Hello,
> Hello,
> I've just got back after 10 days of being off-line and I'm looking forward
> to dig the WKT Raster driver news -)
>> I am using the last version of PostGIS and WKTRaster extensions from
>> svn (r4092 of PostGIS and r4289 of WKTRaster). When trying to get
>> georeference information from a raster column (select
>> rt_georeference(rast) from table), I get an error that says the
>> function "RASTER_getGeoReference" can't be found at
>> /usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/rtpostgis.so (Debian Lenny system). I had
>> a look on that object with nm and I couldn't find such a function, but
>> I can see the function defined in PostgreSQL
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rt_georeference(raster)
>>   RETURNS text AS
>> '$libdir/rtpostgis', 'RASTER_getGeoReference'
>>   COST 1;
>> ALTER FUNCTION rt_georeference(raster) OWNER TO postgres;
> RT_GeoReference has been renamed to RT_GdalGeoTransform() along with
> addition of new function RT_ESRIWorldFile(), see detailed log here:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/changeset/4121

I've executed this query:

select ST_GdalGeoTransform(rast) FROM table;

And the result only has 1 value (the first value of the 6-array), Is
it normal?, A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Best regards

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