[postgis-devel] [WKT Raster] For clearer and friendlygeoreferencing

Pierre Racine Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Tue Jun 2 12:01:28 PDT 2009

>> -We are becoming more and more good friends with GDAL
>So far, Only gdal2wktraster uses GDAL.

and we will soon link with GDAL to implement RT_AsImage(), RT_AsPolygon() and RT_Intersections()

>> To better stick to GDAL and to make everything clearer, I will change
>> the specs this way:
>> -RT_UpperLeftX() and RT_UpperLeftY() will now return the coordinate of
>> the top left CORNER of the top left pixel. This is also what we are
>> going to store as ipX & ipY in the future.
>Does it mean after you change these SQL functions, raster header will
>still return center of the top left pixel?

No. It will return the upper left corner of the upper left pixel. I'll change the specs.

>> -RT_GeoReference(raster) will be renamed RT_GdalGeoTransform(raster)
>> -There will ge a new RT_ESRIWorldFile() function doing basically the
>> same as RT_GdalGeoTransform() but according to the world file specs
>Gdal is probably wrong spelling, if you care about spelling
>ESRI correctly :-)



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