[postgis-devel] New uninstall_postgis.sql script

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at siriusit.co.uk
Sat Jun 6 08:12:25 PDT 2009

Paul Ramsey wrote:

> I don't think you can pull the geometry types out from underneath the
> tables, can you? And I'm not sure about removing functions that are
> referred to in constraints, like st_srid() and st_geometrytype().
> P.

Well what I'm thinking is now that we agree to freeze APIs between 
releases, then if a 1.5 comes out that is binary-compatible with 1.4 
then with the new build system we have a helping hand. Since we embed 
the version number in the .so then during the upgrade we can have both 
.so files available.

I'm thinking a potential upgrade procedure could go like this:

i) Change over the main functions to the new .so library by dropping the 
old functions and adding the new
ii) Switch over the underlying operators by poking the catalogs
iii) Finally switch over the underlying types similar to ii)



Mark Cave-Ayland - Senior Technical Architect
PostgreSQL - PostGIS
Sirius Corporation plc - control through freedom
t: +44 870 608 0063

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