[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #297: Implement ST_AsPolygon function for raster
trac at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 10 14:51:41 PST 2009
#297: Implement ST_AsPolygon function for raster
Reporter: mloskot | Owner: pracine
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: medium | Milestone: wktraster 0.1.6
Component: wktraster | Version:
Keywords: |
Function ST_AsPolygon is part of [wiki:WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01
Objective 0.1.6e] and shall be implemented:
ST_AsPolygon(raster) -> polygon geometry set
This algorithm is very useful since it ensure that
ST_AsRaster(ST_AsPolygon(raster)) should returns the same raster as the
original (because it is based on the centroid of the pixel).
Open questions:
* Pierre: Can we directly use the GDAL function by copying the raster
data into a GDAL structure or should we just copy/adapt the algorythm?
Raster to Polygon Converter] implemented in GDAL
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/297>
PostGIS <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/>
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