[postgis-devel] Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY vs PostGIS WKT

Jorge Arévalo jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com
Wed Aug 25 04:01:05 PDT 2010


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Nicklas Avén
<nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no> wrote:
> Hallo
>>Yep, like other companies developing propietary software. The point is
>>I don't understand why using a mix of numbers and arrays whose
>>elements index tables to simply represent a polygon. Saving storage
>>space? I don't know. The PostGIS way, closer to OGC standard, is much
>>easier, IMHO.
> I don't know what this Oracle representation looks like but from above it
> sounds like it might be about some topological model.
> In PostGIS representation I guess it is difficult to describe two neighbor
> polygons without repeating the shared vertexes for both polygons?
> /Nicklas

Yes, Oracle Spatial's data model seems to be a topological model [1].
Thanks for pointing me to that fact. As I said, I find it some
tangled, and I'm looking for the reason. Or am I talking non-sense?

Best regards,

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