[postgis-devel] Doubt related to datatype

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Dec 14 14:28:54 PST 2010

On 10-12-14 05:21 PM, Eriovaldo Andrietta wrote:
> Hello Friends,
>   1.) I am working in order to convert a database with several schemas from
> Oracle to Postgre/Postgis.
>   I have some datatypes in Oracle and I would like to know the similar in Postgre.
>   for example:
>    timestamp
>    blob
>    clob
>   2.) Also I tried to use the ogr2org tool, as below, to transfer data directly
> from Oracle to Postgre/Postgis
>      ogr2ogr -overwrite -f "PostgreSQL" -nln public.tab_f PG:"host=localhost
> user=postgres password=********  dbname=bdteste"
>   OCI:eng_sigcamp/********@ora10g:oracle_schema.tab_f
>   I am running this command and it is not working.
>   I downloaded the ogr_OCI.dll and I placed it in several folders of  the
> FWTools.2.4.7 where I imagine that it should be there, unsuccessfully.
>   I also tried the ODBC configuration and it did not worked.
>   Is there any clue, where I must place the ogr_OCI.dll ?
>   Does it work fine ? any experience with this tool.
> Is there any other tool for doing this data migration.


You cannot use release oriented plugins with FWTools.  FWTools is/was built
from the development tree and generally should not be mixed with any other
GDAL/OGR plugins which will inevitably be from other versions.  The plugin
interface is very fragile and version specific.

Some of the OSGeo4W GDAL/OGR versions include an OCI plugin option - you
might try that.


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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