[postgis-devel] a naive raster question

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Thu Jul 22 02:22:46 PDT 2010

Hallo I was just sitting struggling to get som wms-services right presented in qgis and a naive question/idea struck me. Would it be possible to build a function to handle a wms service directly into a query. I see a lot of issues, but if it would be possible to solve it would be extremly cool. What i imagine is a function that is used to make a subquery like: Select * from(Select ST_GetWMS('http://........', some other parameters like the bounding box and epsg) as wms  It would of course be very slow but maybe the function ST_GetWMS, could split the request and make many smaller requests only asking for the information needed to solve the query. If the query for instance wants to get how many kilometers of a road is passing through a forest and the forest is in a wms-service, then the function can send several requests with smaller extent instead of one big with mostly uninteresting information. Maybe also possible with WFS? hmm, I see the problem to get information about t!
 he query information needs into the subquery with the ST_GetWMS-function :-( but maybe some other design would make it possible  Just some wild thoughts ThanksNicklas 
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