[postgis-devel] Making PostGIS documentation process easier
George Silva
georger.silva at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 12:56:21 PDT 2010
I've tried docbook, but I just can't seem to write it. I want to help in
translating but I just don't have the time to learn DocBook and translate
DocBook is good, but perhaps a Wiki together with it, would be nice. It
could host use-cases, tips, tutorials, I don't know.
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Olivier Courtin <
olivier.courtin at oslandia.com> wrote:
> On Jun 24, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Pierre Racine wrote:
> Hi,
> I know I will ennoy some people here but it seems to me that we would gain
>> a lot by making the PostGIS documentation wiki style. We could benifit more
>> from the community experience and be able to update it more quickly and
>> frequently. What are the pros of keeping the documentation process that
>> closed in the source tree in obscure XML comparing with open wiki pages?
> Docbook is an abstract format
> So you could convert it (quite) easily to something else
> like XHTML or PDF or (quite) anything else you want.
> I'm not sure that a wiki is able to do thing like that
> And Wiki are not open,
> i mean that it's not an open standard
> there's a plenty of wiki syntax...
> Wiki is just simpler,
> And if you want a simpler way,
> you could copy/paste other part of the doc to get the grammar
> put your documentation stuff
> and use 'make check' rule to be sure that your doc is clean
> Seems to me that since the appearance of wikis, fixed, closed
>> documentations are very much old fashion and look like death things. Right
>> now I think only one person is maintaining the doc. We could be more if it
>> would be easier.
> Regina and Kevin done an huge work to rewrite
> the doc and to maintain it since 1.4
> And i like the idea to have an official doc.
> But i'm agree with you,
> maybe there's a lack for user comments feature
> like in PostgreSQL doc for instance,
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/index.html
>> I know one of the argument is that each release need its own documentation
>> since updates apply only to certain releases but to me this is not
>> incompatible with a wiki. We can have one versions of the doc per release
>> still in wiki style.
> My 2 cents,
> --
> Olivier
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George R. C. Silva
Desenvolvimento em GIS
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