[postgis-devel] Upcoming releases: 1.5.1
Paul Ramsey
pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Mon Mar 8 11:58:50 PST 2010
Hi Team,
We ordinarily try to clean the issue stack down before a release, but
personally that's just not going to happen. Strk has a call for 1.5.1
already, based on the issue that doesn't let invalid geometries out of
the unparser. And Devrim wants to package.
I have enough time to drop a tarball, but not enough to do any ticket
closing. 1.5.1: better than nothing? Here's the list of tickets closed
against the 1.5.1 milestone
Probably there are some other issues that have been closed, but
against the 2.0 milestone.
I vote +1
2010/3/8 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <devrim at gunduz.org>:
> Hi,
> When will 1.5.1 and 1.4.2 be released? This week we have PostgreSQL
> updates, and I'd like to push new postgis packages while build machines
> are hot and running.
> Regards,
> --
> Devrim GÜNDÜZ
> PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
> PostgreSQL RPM Repository: http://yum.pgrpms.org
> Community: devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
> http://www.gunduz.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/devrimgunduz
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