[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #1124: shp2pgsql, shp2pgsql-gui switch to create unlogged table
trac at osgeo.org
Thu Oct 14 18:55:51 PDT 2010
#1124: shp2pgsql, shp2pgsql-gui switch to create unlogged table
Reporter: robe | Owner: pramsey
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS Future
Component: postgis | Version: trunk
Keywords: |
PostgreSQL 9.1 has this very popular feature called unlogged tables. This
creates a table that is not WAL logged and results in 2-10 times faster
load speed.
This is particularly useful for PostGIS users since a lot of processing
done involves loading shapefiles into the database and then updating or
pushing them into other tables. These stagiing tables do not need to be
logged since they will usually be thrown away after you are done with
Here is a nice article detailing the feature:
This would be a fairly trivial change to do in shp2pgsql I think and would
be a great benefit for PostgreSQL 9.1+ users.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1124>
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