[postgis-devel] Adding support for GML 3.2.1 (ISO 19136)
Peter Hopfgartner
peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Wed Sep 15 03:20:46 PDT 2010
--------Olivier Courtin <olivier.courtin at oslandia.com> wrote--------
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Adding support for GML 3.2.1 (ISO 19136)
Date: 15.09.2010 11:20
>On Sep 15, 2010, at 10:57 AM, Peter Hopfgartner wrote:
>Hi Peter,
Hi Olivier,
>> The european INSPIRE initiative mandates GML 3.2.1, which should be
>> identical to ISO 19136, as the correct version for data exchange.
>> What would it mean to adapt the current PostGIS GML 3.1 export to
>> GML 3.2.1?
>> I had a look at
>> .
>> An issue might be that gml:id is mandatory. Then there are small
>> corrections to the XML Schema all over the place
>Thanks for this input :)
>To begin, PostGIS 'only' handle geometry part of GML. and not the
>whole GML document.
>So most of the changes here seems not really PostGIS care but rather
>the WFS engine who deal
>with it (GeoServer, TinyOWS...)
Indeed, this makes things much simplier.
>For now ST_GeomFromGML is already able to handle GML 3.2 namespace if
>in the GML geometry fragment.
>> and collection types have been deprecated.
>Humm what do you mean there ?
>For information, we handle SFS GeometryCollection as GML MultiGeometry
>for now
Well, I've quoted directly from the document referred to above. I do not know at the moment what this means at translated to the XML schema.
>Did you seen any geometry change in GML schema beetween 3.1.1 and
>3.2.1 ?
I will try to make some tests in the next days, using the official ISO schemas. I started today to investigate this topic, so I do not have a lot of concrete information right now.
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