[postgis-devel] WKTRaster Scale and Skew

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Sep 22 07:22:14 PDT 2010

Pierre Racine wrote:
> David,
> I like that very much! It’s not because the ESRI definition of World 
> File have been confusing for years that we must continue in the same way 
> (like GDAL did). 


I take objection to this.  I did not model the GDAL GeoTransform() on
the ESRI world file and the parameters are not even in the same order.
It is a capture of a general first order affine transformation in a form
that is comfortable to any mathematician.

I haven't read over the proposals for ST_Rotation etc in WKTRaster in
detail, but I hope you will be careful not to muddle things badly.
The phrase "so a user can always test if ST_RotationX = ST_RotationY
and determine himself if it is a true rotation" was pretty damning in
my opinion.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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