[postgis-devel] raster2pgsql.py

dustymugs dustymugs at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 11:53:10 PST 2011

On 12/07/2011 11:40 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Bborrie,
> On your list of big features to deliver was a C-based version of
> raster2pgsql.py. Have you started on that? Is it still reasonable to
> consider making the python-gdal dependency optional in the build (and
> I'd consider it reasonable only if most data loading cases were
> resolvable with either third party gdal tools or our own gdal-based
> loader)?
> P.

Hey Paul,

I'm almost done with the basic C-based raster2pgsql.  The only things 
missing are constraint addition and overview support.

Once the loader is merged, I'd say remove any dependency on Python and 
related items (numpy, GDAL built with python support).  Jorge has 
expressed that he hopes to have the write component of GDAL's PostGIS 
Raster driver done by GDAL's 1.9 release.


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