[postgis-devel] Vote to call Feature Freeze, SRID=0, and officially tag the first alpha

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Thu Dec 22 04:42:53 PST 2011


> > I think enough people are using PostGIS 2.0.0 that its 
> about time to 
> > put out an official alpha 1 and also call feature freeze.
> -0 feature freeze
> I have one remaining feature I have promised a client for 2.0 
> (ST_LocateBetween with an offset parameter). I can stub in a 
> SQL signature for it right now so that the SQL is locked though.

Don't care about this too much as long as its in trac and slated for 2.0. My
only concern 
at this point is
1) People don't need  to dump/reload -- a simple run upgrade script would
work.  Which it sounds like this feature fits
that requirement.

2) Things we have slated for 2.0 we really think we can deliver in 2.0. 
3) We don't change signatures of functions people have started using. 

> +0 alpha, I'd like a date to vote on, Jan 5?
+1 sooner would have been nice but I can live with that date.  Just want a
point in time I can benchmark against
and that we can say -- at this point in time you can safely do a soft
upgrade and you rcurrent apps using this 
version will not break when you do a soft upgrade.


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