[postgis-devel] pgraster: st_resample error
Tom van Tilburg
tom.van.tilburg at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 00:54:07 PST 2011
I'll try to test the raster warping in ArcGIS later today.
For now I tested with gdalwarp myself and curiously enough it moved my
raster 20 km *north* instead of *south* which was happening from within
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:28992 -t_srs EPSG:900913 -of GTiff infile.tif
Other things I tested:
EPSG:28992 -> EPSG:4326 good projection
EPGS:4326 -> EPSG:900913 offset roughly 20 km Northwards
Could it be true that epsg:900913 just hasn't been used for rasters yet?
It's a popular projection for background maps for vectors from google,
OSM etc. but I've never seen it used for rasters (being native raster,
not WMS tiles) so far..
On 22-12-2011 21:44, dustymugs wrote:
> Tom,
> I've done some digging around and the answers provided by ST_Resample
> match that provided by GDAL's gdalwarp utility. I added some notes
> and testing results to the ticket #1402 regarding this. I did test a
> PNG raster matching the spatial attributes of the raster created in
> PostGIS Raster and the answers are identical.
> I suppose one test to check the outputs of GDAL and PostGIS Raster is
> to see how the warped output differs from a completely different
> program (ArcGIS, ERDAS, ENVI Imagine).
> You could say that GDAL is incorrect but I'm not going to say that as
> that project has had years of inspections by users to make sure the
> outputs are correct.
> -bborie
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