[postgis-devel] [wktraster] Core tests failure for r5841

Pierre Racine Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Thu Jan 13 15:56:26 PST 2011

Ok. good. Nobody answered the question about if we need to trunc before clamping...

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mateusz Loskot [mailto:mateusz at loskot.net]
>Sent: 13 janvier 2011 18:54
>To: Pierre Racine
>Cc: PostGIS Development Discussion; strk
>Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] [wktraster] Core tests failure for r5841
>On 13/01/11 18:49, Pierre Racine wrote:
>>> This is one of number of places where the problem exists.
>>> Others are rt_band_set_pixel, rt_band_set_nodata, and generally
>>> in any place where double is implicitly or explicitly squeezed in
>>> integral types.
>> I agree the solution should be apply for rt_band_set_pixel and rt_band_set_nodata.
>> Does everybody is happy with my code snippet implementing MIN/MAX?
>The idea is good. Though, I would suggest to follow Sandro's suggestion
>to wrap it with reusable macros / functions. Spreading such branching
>and spreading in number of places yet injected in switch case statement
>will make the code an epic poetry, unnecessarily.
>Following <stdint.h> type names we operate in the code, we could have
>If we are happy to use C99/POSIX, then we can simplify the branching
>int16_t clamp_int16(double value)
>    return (int16_t)fmin(fmax((value), SHRT_MIN), SHRT_MAX);
>uint16_t clamp_uint16(double value)
>    return (uint16_t)fmin(fmax((value), USHRT_MIN), USHRT_MAX);
>Then, in code the intentions are explicit and clear:
>        case PT_16BSI:
>            {
>                int16_t *ptr = mem;
>                for (i = 0; i < numval; i++)
>                    ptr[i] = clamp_int16_t(initialvalue);
>                checkvalint = ptr[0];
>                break;
>            }
>Best regards,
>Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
>Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
>Member of ACCU, http://accu.org

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