[postgis-devel] ST_Value out of memory
Paragon Corporation
lr at pcorp.us
Mon Jan 17 13:49:04 PST 2011
It is: Index Cond: (<table>.the_geom && (rs.rast)::geometry)
I suspect a memcpy is being done for each raster update. Yes your example
will work -- but I've found at least for most of my cases using the FromList
is easier to manage and tends to perform a bit better. It varies though so
worth a try both ways to see which performs better.
From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Etienne
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 4:41 PM
To: PostGIS Development Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] ST_Value out of memory
Actually it is working (when it doesn't run out of memory). And it is
described in update
<http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/sql-update.html> 's doc. Do you
think it could lead to errors or inconsistent results ? I'm going to try it,
just to see.
I'm not sure it is using the raster's index however (it looks like it's not)
? But I confirm this raster table is indexed.
Here's the explain :
Nested Loop (cost=0.00..18997537.77 rows=543180 width=172)
Join Filter: (_st_intersects(<table>.the_geom, rs.rast, 1, true) AND
(st_value(rs.rast, 1, <table>.the_geom) > 0::double precision))
-> Seq Scan on <raster> rs (cost=0.00..15918.76 rows=763676 width=32)
-> Index Scan using <table>_the_geom_idx on <table> (cost=0.00..21.57
rows=6 width=140)
Index Cond: (<table>.the_geom && (rs.rast)::geometry)
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Paragon Corporation <lr at pcorp.us> wrote:
Actually I don't think aliases are allowed in PostgreSQL for the updating
table (sorry have my sql server and postgresql syntaxes all confused)
So should be
UPDATE <table>
SET h = z - st_value(rs.rast, <table>.the_geom)
FROM <raster> AS rs
WHERE ST_Intersects(<table>.the_geom, rs.rast) AND
st_value(rs.rast, <table>.the_geom) > 0;
From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paragon
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 3:55 PM
To: 'PostGIS Development Discussion'
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] ST_Value out of memory
You might want to try this instead as I think it tends to perform better
than your subselect approach.
UPDATE <table> AS pt
SET h = z - st_value(rs.rast, pt.the_geom)
FROM <raster> AS rs
WHERE ST_Intersects(pt.the_geom, rs.rast) AND
st_value(rs.rast, pt.the_geom) > 0;
I'm not absolutely sure but I think even though my above example calls
ST_Value twice it caches it so it should only execute once.
also it goes without saying to make sure you have spatial indexes on both
your geometry and raster tables.
Hope that helps,
From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Etienne
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 3:38 PM
To: postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] ST_Value out of memory
Hi Jorge,
Here's a dump of a problematic point table. <http://ubuntuone.com/p/Yng/>
As a complement, I'd like to post the update query I'm using to fetch the
UPDATE <table> AS pt
SET h = z - (SELECT value FROM
(SELECT st_value(rs.rast, pt.the_geom) AS value
FROM <raster> AS rs
WHERE st_intersects(pt.the_geom, rs.rast) ) AS foo
WHERE value > 0); -- last line to avoid getting nodata values
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:50 PM, Etienne Bellemare <etiennebr at gmail.com
<http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have points tables containing 1-2M (lidar) points and a raster
> 750k tiles of 100x100 pixels. So I'd like to get the value of the raster
> each point coordinate. But I run out of memory. I was quite surprised to
> it was actually possible to run out of memory with PostgeSQL as I thought
> would switch to disk when the 3Gb RAM memory would fill (I've seen the
> process go as high as 1,7 Gb according to the task manager). But indeed it
> seems it's possible to run out of memory. The disk containing the db still
> have 900 Gb of free space. The solutions I've seen so far on the web look
> more like production database solutions. Mine is actually for research
> purpose : I'm the only one making transactions on it so I don't have many
> queries running at the same time. Furthermore, I'm not a db ninja, so
> messing around with all these settings... I wasn't sure to say the least.
> I couldn't isolate a single factor to the bug. Of course, point table size
> looks like a factor, the biggest table succeding was 467Mb ( I have tables
> of size up to 600Mb). But some 200 Mb tables ran out of memory while other
> went OK. Other factor seems to be the tiles (low number of tiles
> intersecting the point table, more likely to not run out of memory.) So,
> calling for some input on either tests to perform to isolate the bug
> or to avoid running out of memory.
> Etienne
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Hi Etienne,
Could you please provide a dump of one table causing the error?
Best regards,
Jorge Arévalo
Internet & Mobilty Division, DEIMOS
jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com
http://gis4free.wordpress.com <http://gis4free.wordpress.com/>
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