[postgis-devel] Best way to check if a function is defined

Paul Ramsey pramsey at opengeo.org
Thu Jun 2 11:17:32 PDT 2011

Checking for a function defined where? In a system library? Could
start with AC_CHECK_HEADER to see if the header you want is around and
then to AC_CHECK_FUNC to see if the function you want is around. I'm
pretty sure Mark has some clever examples of hand-rolled checkers in
the ac_proj4_version.m4 file in macros.


2011/6/2 Jorge Arévalo <jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for the best way of checking, in a configure script, if a
> given function is defined. My bet is grep against the header file
> where the function is supposed to be defined, but it doesn't seem too
> smart. Suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Jorge Arévalo
> Internet & Mobilty Division, DEIMOS
> jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com
> http://es.linkedin.com/in/jorgearevalo80
> http://mobility.grupodeimos.com/
> http://gis4free.wordpress.com
> http://geohash.org/ezjqgrgzz0g
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