[postgis-devel] Turning GSERIALIZED on

Paul Ramsey pramsey at opengeo.org
Fri Jun 10 10:19:25 PDT 2011

I'd like to turn on the flag on the weekend and start cleaning up bugs
next week. FYI, this will probably harm topology and raster more than
anyone else. What will happen is I'll turn on the flag and alter the
4-5 regression tests (things like memsize and a couple minor
representation changes) that don't pass with the flag. Then I'll kill
big bugs during the week and work through tickets. In succeeding weeks
once things are calmed down I will change things that are currently
#defined (the BOX2FLOAT4 -> GBOX transition) into the "real thing" and
remove some code we don't need anymore (old WKT parser).


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