[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #817: Renaming old 3D functions to the convention ST_3D..........
trac at osgeo.org
Sun Mar 27 11:00:39 PDT 2011
#817: Renaming old 3D functions to the convention ST_3D..........
Reporter: nicklas | Owner: nicklas
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS 2.0.0
Component: postgis | Version: trunk
Keywords: |
Old description:
> {{{
> Old name ---> should be
> ST_length3d ---> ST_3DLength
> ST_length3d_spheroid ---> ST_3DLength_Spheroid
> ST_perimeter3d ---> ST_3DPerimeter
> ST_MakeBox3d ---> ST_3DMakeBox
> ST_Extent3d ---> ST_3DExtent
> What about functions with explicit 2D, I guess they should follow the
> same convention:
> ST_length2d ---> ST_2DLength
> ST_length2d_spheroid ---> ST_2DLengthSheroid
> ST_perimeter2d ---> ST_2DPerimeter
> ST_area2d ---> ST_2DArea
> ST_MakeBox2d ---> ST_2DMakeBox
> }}}
> -- Those functions I think should keep their names because that tells
> something that they are forced towards 3D, 2D and 4D, not from.
> {{{
> ST_force_2d
> ST_force_3dz
> ST_force_3d
> ST_force_3dm
> ST_force_4d
> }}}
> Comments?
> Should we rename the C-functions at the same time where appropriate?
New description:
Old name ---> should be
ST_length3d ---> ST_3DLength
ST_length3d_spheroid ---> ST_3DLength_Spheroid
ST_perimeter3d ---> ST_3DPerimeter
ST_MakeBox3d ---> ST_3DMakeBox
ST_Extent3d ---> ST_3DExtent
What about functions with explicit 2D, I guess they should follow the same
ST_length2d ---> ST_2DLength
ST_length2d_spheroid ---> ST_2DLengthSheroid
ST_perimeter2d ---> ST_2DPerimeter
ST_area2d ---> ST_2DArea
ST_MakeBox2d ---> ST_2DMakeBox
-- Those functions I think should keep their names because that tells
something that they are forced towards 3D, 2D and 4D, not from.
Should we rename the C-functions at the same time where appropriate?
Comment(by nicklas):
renamed in r6974
ST_length3d ---> ST_3DLength
ST_length3d_spheroid ---> ST_3DLength_Spheroid
ST_perimeter3d ---> ST_3DPerimeter
ST_MakeBox3d ---> ST_3DMakeBox
ST_Extent3d ---> ST_3DExtent
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/817#comment:7>
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