[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #934: [raster] ST_Histogram and ST_ApproxHistogram
trac at osgeo.org
Sun May 1 11:47:43 PDT 2011
#934: [raster] ST_Histogram and ST_ApproxHistogram
Reporter: dustymugs | Owner: pracine
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS Raster Future
Component: postgis raster | Version: trunk
Keywords: |
ST_Histogram and ST_ApproxHistogram provide methods to determine a
raster's data distribution.
ST_Histogram returns the data by absolute numbers while ST_ApproxHistogram
returns the data by proportion due to the data used in ST_ApproxHistogram
is a sample of the raster.
The return of ST_Histogram and ST_ApproxHistogram is a set of records
where each record is (min, max, count).
ST_Histogram should have the following variations.
1. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean, bins int, width
double precision[], right boolean) -> set of records
returns set of records of three columns (bin min, bin max, bin count)
nband: index of band to process on
hasnodata: if FALSE, any pixel who's value is nodata is ignored.
bins: the number of categories/bins to have in the histogram. If NULL
or value less than one, the number of categories will be auto-computed
using Sturges' formula if the number of values >= 30 or Square-root choice
if number of values < 30.
width: an array indicating the width of each category/bin. If the
number of bins is greater than the number of widths, the widths are
repeated. Example: 9 bins, widths are [a, b, c] will have the output be
[a, b, c, a, b, c, a, b, c].
right: compute the histogram from the right rather than from the left
(default). This changes the criteria for evaluating a value x from [a, b)
to (a, b].
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 1, TRUE, 100, NULL, FALSE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, NULL, ARRAY[100, 50], FALSE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 9, ARRAY[1000], TRUE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 20, ARRAY[100, 200, 300], TRUE)
2. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean, bins int, right
boolean) -> set of records
parameter "width" is not specified thus resulting in all bins having the
same widths
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 5, FALSE)
3. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean, bins int) ->
set of records
the parameter "right" is removed and assumed to be FALSE
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 5)
4. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean) -> set of
the parameter "bins" is removed and set to NULL so that function can
compute the number of bins to use
5. ST_Histogram(rast raster, nband int) -> set of records
parameter "hasnodata" is removed and assumed to be FALSE
6. ST_Histogram(rast raster) -> set of records
assumes that nband is 1.
ST_ApproxHistogram should have the following variations.
1. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean,
sample_percent double precision, bins int, width double precision[], right
boolean) -> set of record
sample_percent: a value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of
the raster band's pixels to consider when generating the histogram.
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.1, NULL, NULL, FALSE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 1, TRUE, 1, 100, NULL, FALSE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.2, NULL, ARRAY[100, 50], FALSE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.25, 9, ARRAY[1000], TRUE)
ST_Histogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 0.05, 20, ARRAY[100, 200, 300], TRUE)
2. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean,
sample_percent double precision, bins int, right boolean) -> set of
parameter "width" is not specified thus resulting in all bins having the
same widths
3. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean,
sample_percent double precision, bins int) -> set of records
the parameter "right" is removed and assumed to be FALSE
ST_ApproxHistogram(rast, 2, FALSE, 5)
4. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, hasnodata boolean,
sample_percent double precision) -> set of records
the parameter "bins" is removed and set to NULL so that function can
compute the number of bins to use
5. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int, sample_percent double
precision) -> set of records
parameter "hasnodata" is removed and assumed to be FALSE
6. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, nband int) -> set of records
assumes that sample_percent is 0.1
7. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster, sample_percent double_precision) -> set
of records
assumes that nband is 1
8. ST_ApproxHistogram(rast raster) -> set of records
assumes that nband is 1 and sample_percent is 0.1
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/934>
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