[postgis-devel] liblwgeom.so

Chris Hodgson chodgson at refractions.net
Fri Sep 9 11:01:35 PDT 2011

I'd like to think that everyone's opinions are welcome here - 
particularly those with good supporting arguments.


dustymugs wrote:
>> If I were asked to vote on it, I'd be -0. There are lots of things I
>> hate about the code base now, I can hate one more, if everyone else
>> thinks it's a dandy idea I won't veto, I have no monopoly on the
>> truth, but I'd like us to actually poll the group and hear who *does*
>> think it's a dandy idea and why.
> Paul,
> When you say "group", are you talking about PSC or all the developers?
> -bborie
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