[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #1186: CreateTopoGeom I think is over-called in some cases and creates orphan relations
trac at osgeo.org
Sat Sep 10 08:23:43 PDT 2011
#1186: CreateTopoGeom I think is over-called in some cases and creates orphan
Reporter: robe | Owner: strk
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS 2.0.0
Component: topology | Version: trunk
Keywords: |
I had this query:
INSERT INTO boston.roads(tlid, fullname, mtfcc, topo)
SELECT DISTINCT ON (m.tlid) m.tlid, fullname, mtfcc,
2,3, ('{{' || e.edge_id::text ||
FROM tiger_data.ma_edges AS m
INNER JOIN topo_boston.edge As e
ON m.tlid = e.edge_id
WHERE m.mtfcc LIKE 'S%';
Which results in creation of 25075 records.
However when I run summary:
SELECT topology.TopologySummary('topo_boston');
It gives me:
Topology topo_boston (15), SRID 2249, precision 0.25
20576 nodes, 31597 edges, 11109 faces, 25144 topogeoms in 1 layers
Layer 3, type Lineal (2), 25144 topogeoms
Deploy: boston.roads.topo
I suspect the function is being called for every duplicate and not
checking that the topo geometry is already registered in relations for
that table.
I had even more ridiculous answer of :
Topology topo_boston (15), SRID 2249, precision 0.25
20576 nodes, 31597 edges, 11109 faces, 50288 topogeoms in 1 layers
Layer 2, type Lineal (2), 50288 topogeoms Deploy: boston.roads.topo
The first time I created my table and then cancelled the insert midway
when I realized I was adding more than roads.
This is on PostgreSQL 9.1 rc1 so not sure if its a PostgreSQL bug of
topology bug.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1186>
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