[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #2101: SQL hooks for calling selectivity functions
trac at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 6 07:05:27 PST 2012
#2101: SQL hooks for calling selectivity functions
Reporter: pramsey | Owner: pramsey
Type: enhancement | Status: closed
Priority: medium | Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.0
Component: postgis | Version: trunk
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Comment(by strk):
we should surely write that people should _not_ use them as they are
subject to change between even patch-level releases... Maybe a gory
details section.
Hey, I'd also be happy with a description in comments above the signature
in the .sql file :)
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2101#comment:14>
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