[postgis-devel] Mailman archives

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Sat Dec 15 02:07:00 PST 2012

Someone may have noticed that URLs of archived mails for the mailing
lists changed during the migration. I tried to understand why and
hot to fix and came to the conclusion that re-generating the archives
from the .mbox file is indeed too hard (too many bugs in the .mbox
file we have and/or in the mailman python based parser for it).

But maybe we have another chance, that is copying the old archive
onto the new machine, and verify that new mails get archived with 
the proper new numbers. This is also recommended in this article:

Of course doing that now would drop any new message from the archive, 
so the current .mbox file should first be backed up, and later merged
in the copied one, trimming the old history and only appending the
new one.

Paul: do you see any problem with trying this ?
If you get me a tarball of the whole directory archives on refraction
I could try this locally.


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