[postgis-devel] Error building extensions

Jose Carlos Martinez jomarlla at cgf.upv.es
Wed Feb 1 09:31:53 PST 2012

On 01/02/2012 18:20, Greg Troxel wrote:
> This is probably not your problem, but [[ is non specified by posix and
> thus non-portable.
>       while [[ $v -le  ]]; do \
> It looks like the second comparison arg is underquoted; try adding ""
> around it.
Greg, it worked with but Im still getting the first two comments (expr: 
non-integer argument) that make me worried:

linux-8hd6:/mnt/tmp/postgis-2.0.0alpha3SVN/extensions/postgis # make 
expr: non-integer argument
expr: non-integer argument
if test "3SVNx" != "x"; then \
    v=; \
    while [[ $v -ge 1 ]]; do \
        cp -v sql_bits/postgis_upgrade_minor.sql 
sql/postgis--2.0.0alphaSVN$v--2.0.0alpha3SVN.sql; \
        v=$(($v-1)); \
      done; \
else \
   if test 0SVN -gt 0; then \
    v=0; \
    while [[ $v -le "" ]]; do \
       cp -v sql_bits/postgis_upgrade_minor.sql 
sql/postgis--2.0.$v--2.0.0alpha3SVN.sql; \
        v=$(($v+1)); \
     done; \
   fi; \
/bin/mkdir -p '/usr/share/postgresql/extension'
/bin/sh /usr/lib/postgresql/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh 
-c -m 644 ./postgis.control '/usr/share/postgresql/extension/'
/bin/sh /usr/lib/postgresql/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../config/install-sh 
-c -m 644 ./sql/postgis--2.0.0alpha3SVN.sql 
./sql/postgis--2.0.0alpha3SVN.sql  '/usr/share/postgresql/extension/'

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