[postgis-devel] type agg_samealignment does not exist

Salvatore Larosa lrssvtml at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 05:27:17 PDT 2012

Il giorno mar, 26/06/2012 alle 12.13 +0200, Sandro Santilli ha scritto:

> "make uninstall" drops the libpostgis-2.0.so, doesn't know it came from an
> older install. Re-install 2.0.0 and you should be fine.

Well, maybe I got it!
Since I've always used the trunk version, when it was tagged as 2.1 the
two libraries coexisted. Then with make uninstall I deleted
libpostgis-2.0.so and accessing the db throws that error!

then I think I need to recreate my DBs with 2.1! so?

Salvatore Larosa
linkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/larosasalvatore
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