[postgis-devel] SNapPointToLine : GEOS : where is the code for st_intersects between line and point?

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 01:22:02 PST 2013

Am I right to suppose that this is the code in LineIntersector.cpp

function LineIntersector::HasIntersection





2013/11/6 Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>

> Hey,
> I've been working on a ST_SnapPointToLine for the past week,
> by reverse engineering when points are considered to be on line by
> st_intersect.
> The (classic) problem is purely a numerical issue, and I suspect a problem
> in design of st_intersects.
> So far my solution doesn't work for all line, can someone please point me
> in the right direction in GEOS so I can see if something can be improved
> regarding precision.
> I know where the API is, but I'm looking for the exact part that decide if
> a point and a line intersects.
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
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