[postgis-devel] TWKB_agg broken ?

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Thu Aug 7 01:44:40 PDT 2014

2014-08-07 Sandro Santilli  wrote:

On Wed, Aug 06, 2014 at 07:04:34PM +0200, Nicklas Avén wrote:
>> On on., 2014-08-06 at 18:40 +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:
>> > Nicklas, I was looking at ST_AsTWKB_agg but I think it's broken.
>> > Why would otherwise the output of ST_AsTWKB_agg be smaller than
>> > the output of ST_AsTWKB ?
>> It is possible because the aggregate version uses delta values between
>> the points which often gives smaller values to store. 
>Is there no separator between records in the output of the aggregator ?
>How's it different from collecting the geometries and passing the
>collection to ST_AsTWKB ?

The differnce is that by using ST_AsTWKBagg you won't loose the individual id:s.
If you use ST_Collect it will just be a collection.


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