[postgis-devel] Geography getting bounding box cache for points if cast directly to geography but not if cast from bytea to geography

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Fri Aug 15 22:33:28 PDT 2014

I'm not sure this is a bug or not, but the inconsistency is beginning to bug

This I observed when testing 


For linestrings this yields same
select ST_Summary('LINESTRING(151.215289 -33.856885, 151
-33)'::geometry::geography) ;

select ST_Summary('LINESTRING(151.215289 -33.856885, 151 -33)'::geography) ;

LineString[BGS] with 2 points

For points

SELECT  ST_Summary('POINT(151.215289 -33.85688)'::geometry::geography) ;

Gives Point[BGS]

But casting staight to geography or from bytea gives:
select  ST_Summary('POINT(151.215289 -33.85688)'::geography) ;
select  ST_Summary('POINT(151.215289 -33.85688)'::bytea:geography) ; --
(note if you don't see GS for this one then you aren't running the latest
#2870 update)


Why on earth should this make a difference and what bounding box are we
getting back?


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