[postgis-devel] Contributing to PostGIS
Michael Maurizi
mmaurizi at azavea.com
Wed Nov 12 10:51:19 PST 2014
Hi all,
I'm interested in contributing a small bit to PostGIS as part of the
code sprint
It's amazing software that I use all the time, and I would love to help
make it (a little bit) better.
I noticed in the TODO document there was a desire for an
ST_LatitudeFromText and ST_LongitudeFromText. It seems like a small
feature I could easily tackle.
Is this something that would be a valuable contribution?
Anything I should know as someone who hasn't contributed to PostGIS before?
I took a look at the DevWiki
<http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/DevWikiMain>. Are there any other
resources I should look at? Are there any places in the PostGIS source
code that would serve as a good example of what conventions to follow?
Michael Maurizi
Michael V. Maurizi Jr
Software Developer
Azavea | 340 N 12th St, Suite 402, Philadelphia, PA
mmaurizi at azavea.com | T 215.558.6190
Web azavea.com <http://www.azavea.com/> | Blog azavea.com/blogs
<http://www.azavea.com/Blogs> | Twitter @azavea <http://twitter.com/azavea>
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