[postgis-devel] postgis 2.2.0 tag?

John Harvey john.harvey at crunchydata.com
Fri Nov 6 05:08:15 PST 2015

Thanks for the heads-up.

Honestly, I had just been trying the default "git fetch" for a month or
so.  I guess I had never considered that "git fetch --tags" would give me
anything more, as all projects I've worked on fetch tags by default.  This
is a little bit new for me, but it means that I learned something, which is
good.  The even better news is that it worked.

I looked into why this happened to me a little bit, and the default
behavior of the git repository seems to be to pull down the tags on an
initial clone, but afterwards to only pull down the tags if passed the
"--tags" parameter as was mentioned.

By running git config --list, I see this:
The default behavior is not to include tags, which would lead to the
behavior that I saw.
I would suggest adding the below line to the default config:

I know that I'm talking about a git mirror in this case, so that may be
beyond the scope of this mail-list. Do the hosts of the mirror have their
own contact information?  I'm curious if they would consider making this
small change-- they may, but then again, they may not.  I figure it doesn't
hurt to ask, since it did trip me up.


On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 3:53 AM, Sandro Santilli <strk at keybit.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 05:08:39PM -0500, John Harvey wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I noticed that when 2.2.0 was released, there was a source tarball
> created
> > and a branch was made, but I couldn't find a tag that indicates which
> > specific commit is tied to the release itself.  My current process it to
> > clone the code with git, checkout the latest tag available, and then
> build
> > with it.  As of now, there are no 2.2.x tags in the repository.
> I confirm the official repository is the SVN one, anyway tags should
> be also mirrored. Did you git fetch --tags ?
> --strk;
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